March 13, 2016


Meeting called to order at 12:30 pm at the home of Brian Sheron. Present were Brian Sheron, Superintendent; Marshall Abrams, Senior Assistant Superintendent; Tom Brodrick, Paymaster; Bill White, Clerk, Jesse Cantrill, Jim Kinder. Ernie Little and Ken Wilson were not able to attend.


The minutes from the January 9, 2016 meeting were approved.


Program Reports


•   Layout tours: no tour in April due to the Minicon; May 14, Bob Johnson; June 4, Bob Clark;

•  Achievement Program: three certificates have been issued as will be reported in the next issue of the Flyer.

•   Paymaster:

       expenses: $15 for mailings

       balance: $4,381.23

       Tom will obtain an estimate for 25 or 50 new signs reading either “NMRA Tour”

       or “NMRA Layout tour” and will make a purchase based on his judgment as to

       what is the best value. 

•    Flyer: the next issue will be larger than usual, probably near 45 pages. Marshall needs board nomination bios.

•    Webmaster: layout tour pictures should be screened by the layout tour coordinator before being published on the web site. Presently Marshall obtains a tour photographer and will make the final selections along with the coordinator. 

•    Op Sessions: Pete and Jane Clarke in May, Marshall Abrams in June.



2016 Minicon

Consistent with previous practice, church members will be admitted free.

•        Clinics: they will start at 9, 10:30, 1:00, and 2:30. Lunch with the speaker and business meeting will begin at 11:30. Jesse will update the schedule using last year’s materials.

•       Food: Tom will check with the church on what they want to do and who will do it.

•       Contests: we need three judges and some one to manage the room as well as certificates of appreciation for the lunch speaker, clinic providers and contest winners.

•       Registration: Bill Demas is handling this. $10 will be charged for all participants, except church members.

•       Marketing: notification forms about the Minicon have been sent to Railroad Model Craftsman and the NMRA magazine. Jesse will draft email for mid-April mailing encouraging members to attend.

•       Modular Layouts: Potomac Modular Club is coming; Tom will check on FREMO.

•       White Elephant Room: Jim Kinder will manage. Tom will buy supplies including color stickers. Tom will obtain the necessary cash for the room and registration, $50 in $5 bills, $20 in $1 bills.

•       Advertising: flyers have been distributed at Timonium. We will need signs for the front door, clinics, White Elephant.

•       Speaker: Brian will check on whether the speaker wants to bring his books and sell them after his talk. He also will check on a projector, PA system, and photographer.

•       Write-up for Flyer: Jesse will write description.

•       Certificates: Tom will print certificates for clinicians, speakers, volunteers, etc.


2018 MER Convention

Tom will get a breakout from Crown Plaza on rooms and banquet (a per plate price). Tentative date is Columbus Day Weekend.


Old Business

•        Disposal: Marshall will rewrite Clint Hyde’s article as a Guide to Estate Planning for Model Railroaders.

•        Outreach: to be continued.

•        Board Nominations: So far, the nominating committee reported that the only nominations received so far are for Brian, Marshall, Tom, Bill and Jesse. These will be presented at the business meeting for confirmation.


New Business

•       Brian will check with other divisions for information on the length of board member’s terms for consideration at a later date.

•       Jesse will investigate revising bylaws to make them more readable.

•       Brian will check with Bob Price for membership information in certain Virginia and West Virginia counties bordering on the PD for possible future inclusion in the Division.


Next Meeting

          May 21, 2016, at Bill’s house.






Action Items:


  Check with hotel (previously Crown Plaza now Radisson) on room/banquet breakout at 2018 MER: Tom

  Obtain 25 or 50 layout tour signs: Tom

  Update Minicon information page, including clinic schedule: Jessie

  Check with church on Minicon food plans: Tom

  Check with FREMO on Minicon modular participation: Tom

  Procure and print certificates for Minicon for clinicians, speakers, volunteers. etc: Tom

  Recruit room manager & judges for Minicon contests: Brian

  Procure supplies for White Elephant Room: Jim

  Obtain appropriate change for front desk and White Elephant Room: Tom

  Procure projector & screen (Marshall) and PA system for lunch speaker: Brian

  Check on photographer and article for Minicon clinics: Marshall

  Post signs for Minicon front door, clinics, White Elephant Room: Tom

  Rewrite Clint Hyde’s disposal article: Marshall

  Provide update biographical for board nominations: Jesse, Bill

  Check with other divisions on length of terms of their board members: Brian

  Check with Bob Price on members in adjoining VA and WVA counties: Brian

  Send approved January 13 minutes to web master: Bill

  Investigate revising by-laws to make them more readable: Jesse

  Draft Minicon promo for mid-April mailing encouraging members to attend: Jesse