Annual Meeting Potomac Division 2
Mid East Region
April 2, 2011

The annual meeting of the Potomac Division was called to attention by Superintendent Marshall Abrams at 12:45Pm on Saturday, April 2, 2011 at St. Mathews’s United Methodist Church, Annandale Virginia.

The first order of business was the election of the new Board of Directors for 2011.  Elected without opposition and by unanimous consent were Marshall Abrams, Bill Day, Brian Sheron, Mike White and Glenn Downing.

The next order of business was the presentation of Master Model Railroader Certificate Number 453 to Andrew Dodge by John Janosko, President of Mid East Region.

The next meeting of the Board will be at noon Saturday, May 14 at Brian Sheron’s house.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Demas, (outgoing) Clerk
Potomac Division 2